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How To Sign a Letter or a Card: 74 Useful Examples & Tips

Ever sit there, just staring at your beautifully worded message, wondering how on Earth you should sign a letter? Maybe you’re writing a delightful thank you card and are drawing a blank on how to sign off? Is option A too personal or too stuffy? Is option B too loosy-goosy?! Not sure if you should say thank you — yet again?! Don’t fret, this ridiculously comprehensive list of sign off options will have what you need.

If your handwriting isn’t quite as lovely as it could be or you just don’t have the time to write 300 thank you notes, easily create and write your cards on Postable. We’ll even mail them for you.

Did you know Postable has bewitching birthday cards that they print and mail for you?! Use code SIGNOFF and get 20% off!

See the cards!

Here are 74 ways to sign off your greeting card (or — letter, email etc.).

How to end a friendly letter to a friend?

Much of our communication has been drastically changed over the course of 2020. We’ve gone from seeing our friends and family weekly, if not daily, to coping through months apart. Thankfully we’re in a technologically advanced age and Zoom happy hours will forever be a favorite pastime that we all can look back on. We’ve also been using written communication far more often than before — who knew receiving a friendly greeting card out of nowhere can be such a source of joy (we did)?! And so after you’ve finished composing the perfect friendly letter or delightfully friendly greeting card message, you’ve got to end your letter with a friendly BANG! 

Pro tip: You may want to avoid using most (if not all) of the sign off in this section in a professional letter. These sign offs are for friends and family. 

Here are some options to help you do just that. 

  1. Love

  2. With Love

  3. Lots of Love

  4. Later Gator

  5. Toodles

  6. Your Pal

  7. Cheerio

  8. My Best

  9. All the Best

  10. My Best to you

  11. Warm wishes

  12. Warmest

  13. Take Care

  14. Peace

  15. Be well

  16. Yours

  17. Take it easy

  18. xoxo

  19. Sincerely Yours

  20. Cheers!

  21. Ciao

  22. Hugs

  23. Yours Lovingly

  24. Your friend

  25. Wishing you the best

  26. Forever thankful

  27. Write soon

  28. Your loving ____ (ex: daughter)

  29. Yours faithfully

  30. Confidently yours

  31. Excitingly yours

  32. Missing You Dearly

  33. Fondly

  34. Hugs & Kisses

  35. Kisses

  36. Have a good one!

  37. Good luck

  38. Live long and prosper

  39. Until next time

  40. Cheerfully

  41. Stay well

  42. Your favorite child

How to end a thank you letter or card. 

You’ve composed the greatest thank you card that has ever been written… Congratulations, that’s quite the feat! But now you’ve got to seal it off with the perfect gracious gratitude sign off. Here are some options to get your thinking wheel turning.

  1. Thanks

  2. Many thanks

  3. Kind thanks

  4. In gratitude

  5. In appreciation

  6. With sincere gratitude

  7. With gratitude

  8. Gratefully yours

  9. Gratefully 

  10. Thanks for everything

  11. Thanks for all you do

Use code SIGNOFF and get 20% off personal thank you cards printed, addressed, and mailed for you.

See the cards!

Here’s a sample sign off in action:

Miss Dorris,

Your existence is greatly appreciated. I want you to know all those cocktails you got me last night were not for naught. I woke up with a mind-blowing migraine and now have a legitimate reason for avoiding that lunch meeting I told you about. By the time I see you I’ll have recovered and can return the favor.



How to end a sympathy card.

Writing a sympathy card is no easy task. And while we don’t always know what we can do to help, writing a kind sympathy card will help to aid a grieving heart. Use one of these sign offs to let them know you’re thinking of them and are there for them.  

  1. In sympathy

  2. My deepest condolences

  3. Wishing you peace

  4. Thinking of you

Formal ways to end a letter or sign off a card.

If you’re unfamiliar with the recipient and the letter or card is being sent for professional matters — it’s a safe bet that you should keep the ending on the formal side. If you’ve already established a connection with the recipient, you have a little wiggle room depending on the nature of your relationship. 

Save your business time & money with real business birthday cards, addressed and mailed for you.

See the cards!
  1. Sincerely

    Is sincerely too formal?

    Typically, if you think it might be too formal we’d say it’d be fine to choose another one of the professional sign offs, but also you really can’t go wrong with this one if you’re writing for a professional reason. With this sign off, you’re essentially saying:

    I really mean it

    . And what better way to end a letter or a card than by letting the recipient know you’re genuine about your message.

  2. Yours Truly

    Kind of a throw away, but at the same time it won’t draw any negative attention away from the core of your messaging.

  3. Best

    Simple, minimalistic and yes — professional. Ending your card or letter with a simple ‘Best’ will keep the whole tone of the message formal.

  4. Thank you

    It’s usually not a bad idea to end with a touch of gratitude. Your recipient just took a couple minutes to read through your message — whatever it may have contained — go ahead and thank them.

  5. Kind regards

    This sign off shows a touch of warmth without going over the line of formality and still staying within professional boundaries.

  6. Looking forward to hearing from you

    If you’re eager for a response, it’s best not to go overboard. However, it’s also not a terrible idea to show that you’re excited and appropriately eager with a semi-enthusiastic ending such as this one.

  7. Thanks again

    If you started your card or letter by thanking the recipient, close your message off by bringing it full circle and thanking them again. It’s always nice to show gratitude and it’s usually appreciated by the recipient as well.

  8. Respectfully

    It’s right there in the sign off — you’re showing your respect to the recipient.

  9. While warmly and

    Warm regardsWhile warmly and warm wishes may be best for communication between those with an established connection, warm regards is a little less formal, but still on the professional side. Use this sign off if it makes sense within the context of the rest of your letter. If you’re writing on an extremely dry and formal business matter — warm regards wouldn’t really make as much sense.

Other ways to end a letter or a card.

What if you’re writing a letter to someone that’s sort of professional, but also sort of friendly and also something totally nondescript? Well, here you have it… A list of some sign off options that don’t neatly fit into any other category. If you’re not seeing the way you’d like to end your card or letter — have a looksie at the rest of our list and see if the shoe fits!

  1. Kind wishes

  2. Neighborly Yours

  3. Fare thee well

  4. Hope this helps

  5. Stay tuned

  6. Best Wishes

  7. Best Regards

  8. Warmly

Here’s a sample of how to end to a letter or card:


Happiest of days to you my lady! How wonderful it must feel to celebrate your special day in the greatest city of all. I expect NYC is treating you kindly (I never for a second believed in all that rude rubbish). Happy Birthday!

Warmest Wishes,


Other tips for how to sign off a card or a letter.

A few common answers to a few common questions before you go off sending your letter!

Where do you sign a greeting card?

Give your sign off a wee bit of space before plopping it on your card. You want the sign off in it’s own little mini universe. If you’re using Postable to write your greeting card (want to play around with some handwritten fonts?!) the sign off has its own little text box at the bottom right corner. If you’re writing your card by hand, simply give a line break or two between your message and your sign off. 

Write your chosen sign off followed by a coma and another line break. Don’t forget to indent it to the far right.

How to capitalize a closing?

You’ll want to capitalize the first letter of your sign off. If there is more than one word within the sign off (‘Thank you’) — you’ll only want to capitalize the first word. And of course don’t forget to capitalize your name!

Good luck!

If your handwriting isn’t quite as lovely as it could be or you just don’t have the time to write 300 thank you notes, easily create and write your cards on Postable. We’ll even mail them for you.

Use code SIGNOFF and get 20% off personal thank you cards printed, addressed, and mailed for you.

See the cards!

Tired of spending your time messing with address labels, licking stamps, or hauling heavy boxes to the Post Office? 

With our state-of-the-art mailing software and addressing equipment, we not only save you time and eliminate the hassle, we can get your mailing directly to your customers faster and for less money.

Because Bulk Mailing can be so complex, below you will find a list of the most important information you need to know, as well as a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you need a quote, please complete the Bulk Mailing Quote form.

First things first.  There are two kinds of Mailing Services:

Type #1:  EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)

EDDM is simply a mailing to EVERY door in a select zip code or zone of zip codes.  No specific names are associated with the mailer. Instead, printed pieces are usually addressed with a 'generic' greeting such as:  "Postal Customer".  EDDM is generally the most economical way to send bulk mail.

Type #2:  List Based 

List based services are specific addresses from your own list of contacts - OR - a list of addresses that you rent or buy from a list service.

General Questions
Questions About EDDM
Questions About List Based Mailings
Glossary of Terms
Price Quote

General Questions:

What does "Mailing Services" include?

  • *Data Processing of One (1) List 

    ($50 ea. additional list)

  • *C.A.S.S. Certification (

    what's this?


  • *De-Duplicating Address

  • *Pre-Sorting & USPS documentation

  • *Ink-Jet Setup & Addressing

  • *Post Office Delivery

What design considerations should I be aware of?

You must have: 4w x 2.5h inches of blank space at the bottom right hand corner for addressing and barcode. 1w x 1h inches of blank space at the top right hand corner for the indicia/permit. 

NOTE:  No UV coating allowed in the address areas. We recommend NO UV coating at all on the postage side of your mailer. Aqueous coating IS acceptable.




What class of mail is available?

Presorted Standard

  • 200 pieces required to qualify for Presort Standard.

  • Post office delivery time is estimated 10-14 days.

  • Cheapest postage rate but longest delivery time.

Presorted First Class

  • 500 pieces required to qualify for Presort First Class.

  • Post office delivery time is estimated 1 - 3 business days.

Non-Presort First Class

  • 200 pieces to qualify for Non-Presort First Class.

  • Post office delivery time is estimated 1- 3 business days.

  • Non-Presort First Class is the same as placing a stamp on an envelope (no discount).


  • 200 pieces to qualify for Non-Profit mail.

  • (PS Form 3623)

    Customer needs to complete USPS FORM 3623 to qualify for Non-Profit rate.

  • Post office delivery time is estimated 10-14 days (Same as Presort Standard).

  • Uses customer's Non-Profit account with OUR permit number.


How do I order Direct Mail Service (EDDM)?

  • Order Printing & Upload postcard/mailer design

  • Upload your mailing list (unless you are purchasing one) - Upload Here

  • Payment of mailing service invoice and postage fees to PrintSushi

  • Complete paperwork ( PAMF - proof authorization mailing form


    Is Postage included in the EDDM Mailing Service?

    YES and NO. PrintSushi will provide a complete quote that includes a breakdown of Printing, Mail Service, and Postage.  However, these are actually 3 separate charges - you will be invoiced for postage separately.  

    Can we use our own mailing permit?

    No, mailing service is only offered to customers that want to use our permit. Mailing permits are tied to local USPS offices and may only be used in the locality where they are issued. If you'd like us to address your material and ship it to you, you could use your own permit and mail it from your location.

    What are the minimum pieces to qualify for Bulk Mail?

    • Presorted Standard




    • Presorted First Class





    • Non-Presort First Class





    • Non-Profit (Standard)






    What is the turnaround time on EDDM Mailing Service?

    NOTE: these times reflect OUR processing time. They do NOT include delivery times once received by post office. Turnaround times begin AFTER we receive your 



    what's this

    ). PAMF forms submitted before the 1 P.M. (P.S.T) deadline will be considered the first day of turnaround. Here are the turnaround times for data processing:

    • 200 - 25,000 = 1- 3 business days

    • 30,000 - 60,000 = 3 - 5 business days

    • 70,000 - 100,000 = 5 - 7 business days

    What file formats do addresses need to be submitted in?

    We accept the following formats: 


     (Excel [recommended]), 


     (Comma delimited), 


     (ASCII text file)

    What paper stock choices can Addresses be printed onto?

    We can ink jet your addresses on paper that does not have UV coating on postage side or address block.

    • 100lb book

    • 100lb cover

    • (4/1) 14 or 16pt

    • (4/4) Spot UV or UV Front

    • Matte 14pt or 16pt

    • 70lb bright white

    Proof Authorization Mailing Form. The PAMF is a proof that is e-mailed to you after postage payment has been received and printing completed. Proof shows indicia and one random name from customer's mailing list ink jet on mailer to show placement. Indicia indicates the class of mailing.


    List Based FAQs:

    Can you insert additional pieces into my envelope, flyer, etc.?

    Yes we can do inserting. Please contact us to discuss your particular needs and to get an accurate price quote. 

    Do you offer tabbing (also called wafer sealing)?

    Any mailing piece that requires tabbing is automatically tabbed according to postal regulations. There is no additional price for tabbing as this is automatically included in the price. If you need tabbing but you don't need us to mail your material for you, please call us for pricing. 

    Will aqueous coating interfere with addressing and mailing?

    Not with our equipment! We can easily address aqueous-coated pieces. In fact, adding aqueous is a great way to avoid the scuffing which can occur during the sorting and delivering of your pieces in the mailing process. If you plan to have us print your products but have someone else address and mail them, please check to make sure the aqueous coating won't interfere with their process. Some bulk mailing services have problems working with aqueous coating. 

    Is there a fee for a Temp-Return Service Request?

    No, not for First Class mailing services. The use of most service endorsements for returning pieces and updating addresses when needed are included free for customers mailing via First Class and First Class Presort, as long as the piece includes a return address.

    For Bulk Mail (standard mail), we will add "Or Current Resident" after the primary name or business. Pieces will be delivered as addressed and since nothing is being returned, you'll incur no further charges or fees on the mailing. If this will not meet your mailing needs, please contact us for return service or change-of-address options and rates for bulk mail. 

    How long will it take to get my piece into the mail?

    Add one additional day to the Production Speed you select when placing your order. For instance, if you choose our standard 4-day Production Speed, the mailing will be complete on or before the 5th business day after you approve your proof. 

    What happens to undeliverable mail? Can I request that it be returned to me? I'd like to keep my mailing list up to date.

    Yes, in fact, we offer this service with First Class mailings at no charge. We add an endorsement line to tell the Post Office you are attempting to keep your list up to date. An endorsement line for this would say "Temp-Return Service Requested", and when printed on the mail piece it ensures that it is returned to you with the new address or reason for non-delivery attached.

    Using an endorsement such as Temp-Return Service Requested is optional for customers using Bulk mail. If you'd like this option, you will be charged for all returned or updated addresses by the USPS, at first class rates. 

    Do you offer mailing lists?

    Yes! Our mailing experts will work with you to find a targeted list that meets your needs.

    Lists can be rented for single use, two time use, or unlimited use for one year. Renting your mailing list through us assures you'll get the highest quality addresses to minimize undeliverable pieces and maximize your direct mail campaign results. 

    What is NCOA (National Change of Address)?

    Over 40 million Americans change their address every year. The National Change of Address (NCOA) system uses the USPS database to check for people and businesses that have filed a change of address with the USPS within the last 48 months. Performing this update on a list saves you money on printing and postage by updating a list. Studies have shown that this service can save users a significant cost (in many cases up to 15% or more), plus help increase response rates. NOTE: The post office does not forward bulk mail to the new address, they just recycle it. 

    NCOA - How it Works

    We compare your list with the change orders given to the post office, which automatically updates your list with that person or business' new address. We provide you with this a list of the names with changes and their new address (some change to valid addresses, others change to non-updateable addresses). There is no cost to perform an NCOA clean up. We do charge $25 setup and $0.01 per name for NCOA list scrubbing only orders. Due to postal regulations and USPS privacy rules, a Tax ID is required in order for us to create the NCOA account.

    Mailing Services Glossary of Terms

    CASS Certification

    Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) improves delivery of your mail piece and maximizes postage savings by adding Zip+4 codes to your mailing list where possible. The CASS Certification process also helps determine certain address problems and standardizes addresses to Postal Service formatting. The correct Zip+4 allows us to apply postal barcodes to your mail pieces, qualifying your mail for Mail Class discounts. 


    The standard ZIP Code is a system of 5 digit codes that identify the individual post office or area delivery station associated with the address. The additional 4 digits identify a specific range of delivery addresses. 


    Barcodes are small vertical lines printed in the bottom right corner of the piece to be mailed (we call this area the clear space). Much like a grocery scanner, barcodes represent the numbers which make up the address and Zip+4 codes. These codes make it possible for the mail processing equipment to quickly process these pieces, lowering mail-processing and delivery costs. The savings are passed on to consumers through lower postage rates. 

    Clear Space

    Area in the lower right corner of a mailing piece where the address and barcode is printed. This area must be blank or with less than 10% ink density, to ensure machine readability and therefore be eligible for your desired mail service class. 

    Ancillery Service Endorsements (such as Service Requests)

    These are usually imprinted directions on a mail piece to tell the Post Office what to do with the piece if it becomes undeliverable, such as: Change Service Requested, Forwarding Service Requested, Return Service Requested, and Address Service Requested. These are normally required on a First Class Presorted pieces. 

    Ink Jet Addressing

    We use state of the art, high-speed, ink jet technology for accurate addressing and bar coding that meets or exceeds USPS addressing regulations. In addition, our addressing equipment can print on aqueous coating. This scuff-resistant gloss coating enables your piece to resist scratches and marks as it travels through the postal system to have a better chance of arriving at its destination looking clean and sharp. Many mailing services cannot print on aqueous-coated stocks. 

    NCOA (National Change of Address)

    Over 40 million Americans change their address every year. The National Change of Address (NCOA) system uses the USPS database to check for people and businesses that have filed a change of address with the USPS within the last 48 months. Performing this update on a list saves you money on printing and postage by updating a list. Studies have shown that this service can save users a significant cost (in many cases up to 15% or more), plus help increase response rates. NOTE: The post office does not forward bulk mail to the new address, they just recycle it.

    How To Sign a Letter or a Card: 74 Useful Examples & Tips

    PrintSushi Card Printing, Flag Banners, Signs, Plastic Signs, Vinyl Banners and Promotional Products


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